Education Consultant Curtis Ohikhuare: How Nigerian students can navigate scholarships amid hurdles

Cultural differences and language barriers can play a significant role in the scholarship application process for Nigerian students pursuing education abroad. These challenges can make it difficult to understand the application requirements, communicate with scholarship providers, and demonstrate their qualifications.

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The surge in the number of Nigerian students choosing Canada and other countries for their study-abroad plans can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the high quality of education offered by Canadian and international universities is a major draw. These institutions are renowned for academic excellence and provide students with access to world-class education.

In addition, favorable immigration policies in such countries play a crucial role. Canada and other nations have policies that make it easier for international students to stay and work after graduation, providing them with valuable post-study opportunities.

Cultural diversity is another appealing factor. Studying abroad offers Nigerian students a chance to experience different cultures and perspectives, fostering personal growth and global awareness.

Furthermore, the availability of scholarships and financial aid is instrumental in making studying abroad more affordable for Nigerian students. These opportunities help alleviate the financial burden and open doors to a wider range of educational possibilities.

In this exclusive interview, Curtis Enahoro Ohikhuare, a seasoned education consultant and student recruiter who currently works as a country manager for international education company M Square Media (MSM), sheds light on how Nigerian students can overcome challenges when studying abroad.

Which study-abroad factors do you believe are driving the surge in Nigerian students choosing Canada and other countries for their study-abroad plans?
Many factors drive the surge in Nigerian students choosing Canada and other countries for their study abroad plans. Some of these factors include:

  • The high quality of education offered by Canadian and other international universities
  • The favorable immigration policies of these countries make it easier for international students to stay and work after graduation
  • The diversity of these countries offers students a chance to experience different cultures and perspectives
  • The availability of scholarships and financial aid can help make studying abroad more affordable

Could you share some insights on the challenges that Nigerian students commonly face when seeking scholarships and financial aid for international education?
Some of the challenges that Nigerian students commonly face when seeking scholarships and financial aid for international education include:

  • The competitive application process
  • The high cost of international education
  • The lack of information about scholarships and financial aid opportunities

In your opinion, what specific qualities or achievements make Nigerian students stand out in scholarship applications, and how can they effectively showcase these attributes?
These qualities or achievements make Nigerian students stand out in scholarship applications:

  • Strong academic record
  • Demonstrated leadership skills
  • Community service involvement
  • Personal statement that highlights their unique qualities and experiences
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or employers

Nigerian students can effectively showcase these attributes by writing a strong personal statement, providing detailed descriptions of their extracurricular activities and community service involvement, and obtaining letters of recommendation from credible sources.

What role do cultural differences and language barriers play in the scholarship application process for Nigerian students pursuing education abroad?
These challenges can make it difficult to understand the application requirements, communicate with scholarship providers, and demonstrate their qualifications.

To overcome these challenges, Nigerian students should research the cultural norms of the country where they apply for scholarships and try to learn the language. They should also seek help from mentors or advisors who can provide guidance and support throughout the application process.

Can you provide examples of successful strategies or resources that have helped Nigerian students secure scholarships and financial assistance for their studies overseas?
Many successful strategies and resources have helped Nigerian students secure scholarships and financial assistance for their studies overseas. Some of these strategies include:

  • Starting the application process early
  • Research different scholarships and financial aid opportunities
  • Tailoring their applications to the specific requirements of each scholarship
  • Getting help from mentors or advisors
  • Networking with other students who have been successful in obtaining scholarships.

There are also many resources available to help Nigerian students with their scholarship applications. These resources include scholarship search engines, websites, and books.

With the increasing competition for scholarships, how important is early planning and research in the application process, and what advice would you give to Nigerian students in this regard?
With the increasing competition for scholarships, early planning and research are essential. Nigerian students should start the application process early to give themselves enough time to research different scholarships, gather the required documentation, and write strong applications. They should also research the specific requirements of each scholarship to ensure that they are eligible.

In addition to early planning and research, Nigerian students should also be prepared to network with other students and professionals who have been successful in obtaining scholarships. Networking can help students learn about new scholarship opportunities and get advice from people who have been through the process.

Are there certain fields of study or academic disciplines that tend to offer more scholarship opportunities for Nigerian students, and how can they align their aspirations with these opportunities?
Certain fields of study or academic disciplines tend to offer more scholarship opportunities for Nigerian students. These fields include STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), medicine, and business. Nigerian students who are interested in these fields should be sure to research the specific scholarship opportunities that are available in their chosen field.

To align their aspirations with these opportunities, Nigerian students should carefully consider their career goals and choose a field of study that is both interesting to them and that offers good scholarship opportunities. They should also be prepared to work hard and achieve academic excellence to be competitive for scholarships.

In light of the evolving global landscape, what trends do you foresee for Nigerian students seeking scholarships and financial aid for international education in the coming years, and how can they adapt to these changes?
In light of the evolving global landscape, I foresee the following trends for Nigerian students seeking scholarships and financial aid for international education in the coming years:

  • The increasing popularity of online scholarships
  • The growing importance of soft skills, such as leadership and communication, in the scholarship application process
  • The need for Nigerian students to be more proactive in seeking out scholarships and financial aid

Nigerian students should be prepared to apply for online scholarships and develop their soft skills to adapt to these changes. They should also proactively seek out scholarships and financial aid by networking with other students and professionals, attending scholarship fairs, and researching different scholarship opportunities.

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