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As the partnership between ETS and PSI grows, their impact on education and workforce development is expected to be profound. The deal highlights strategic synergy and reflects a broader shift toward lifelong learning and career advancement.

UN leads global AI governance talks, balancing innovation with equity

These discussions reflect the complexities of AI governance, with a focus on balancing progress with protection. The UN’s role in facilitating this dialogue is crucial to ensure equitable AI development and to manage its risks, aiming to benefit humanity globally.

The online tutoring market is witnessing rapid growth, projected to reach USD 27.63 billion by 2034, driven by the flexibility and personalization of digital education. Key growth factors include the use of AI, adaptive learning platforms, and interactive tools enhancing the learning experience.

The AI Alliance focuses on developing global standards, advancing open foundation models, boosting the AI hardware ecosystem, fostering global AI skills and research, and promoting safe AI development. Members range from AI tool creators to universities and hardware builders, with IBM and Meta at the forefront.

The report highlights the region’s rapid technological growth, yet a persistent gap in how its population adapts to these changes, particularly in education. The piece explores issues like the digital divide, quality of digital educational content, and the challenges in efficiently integrating technology into educational systems.

Surveying 1,348 teachers globally, it found diverse usage of AI tools like language apps and chatbots, with mixed opinions on their impact. The report underscores AI’s potential in ELT but cautions against its uncritical adoption, advocating for a balance with traditional methods and emphasizing the need for teacher training and ethically designed AI solutions.

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