Record number of international students in Russia despite Ukraine conflict

The surge is attributed to the Education Ministry’s efforts in expanding university quotas for foreign students and implementing programs to support their study finances.

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Amid Russia’s growing international isolation due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Russian universities have recorded a significant increase in the number of international students. In the past year, the total number of international students in Russia reached a record high of 351,500, reflecting an 8 percent increase from 2021.

This surge in international student enrollment can be attributed to the efforts of Russia’s Education Ministry, which has been actively expanding university quotas for foreign students and implementing financial support programs to facilitate their studies.

In 2021, the Russian Education Ministry announced its intention to increase the foreign student quota from 17,000 to 30,000 by 2023. Currently, Russia ranks as the sixth most popular destination for international students globally, following the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Australia, with nearly a million international students studying in the US.

Affordability and scholarships

Many international students find Russia an attractive destination due to the affordability of education. For example, Moscow State University’s Faculty of Journalism charges approximately $5,000 per year. Additionally, recent data shows that around 15,000 foreign students benefit from scholarships or study grants of various forms.

Accommodation costs are also minimal for most international students. At institutions like Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, undergraduate students may pay as little as 1,000 rubles (about $10) per month for a bed in a student dormitory.

Source countries

The majority of foreign students in Russian universities come from former Soviet republics and various Asian countries. The largest group of students from a single country is from Kazakhstan, with approximately 62,500 students as of early 2023.

China ranks as the second-largest contributor of foreign students to Russian universities, with just under 40,000 students. Following China, significant numbers of foreign students come from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, India, Egypt and Belarus. According to the Ministry of Education, the most popular fields of study among these international students are medicine and engineering.

It’s worth noting that the quality of education for international students in Russia can vary. For instance, Moscow’s Higher School of Economics experienced a drop in its ranking, falling 100 places since 2021 and currently ranking at 399. HSE was also part of The Times Higher Education’s top 100 law universities in 2021 but did not make the list the following year.

Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.

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Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.