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The report attributes the market growth to governments in the MENA region embracing online education platforms, as part of their pandemic response. Many countries in the region are implementing initiatives to improve e-learning.

Countries can use the seven-dimension framework to develop climate-smart education systems tailored to their communities. These dimensions include data and evidence, policy and planning, coordination, finance, infrastructure, teaching and learning, and schools and communities.

An output of the Tarbiyah21 project, the repository represents a decade-long collaboration between ATF and UNESCO Beirut to support teachers, develop competencies, and implement the 2030 Education Agenda for inclusive and equitable education.

Security issues and limited resources have hindered access to primary education in Niger, resulting in low enrollment rates and high dropout numbers. In the Tillaberi region alone, 900 schools have been closed due to insecurity as of June 2023. This has had a profound impact on achieving universal primary education.

The task force on international education has called for a coordinated effort to attract and retain foreign students. They propose that embassies create dedicated liaison offices to assist universities navigate the legal obstacles involved in establishing academic centers or satellite campuses.

The decision is a result of the growing strategic partnership and increasing travel demand between the United States and India. Highlighting the influx of Indian students to the US, an official revealed that a record-breaking 125,000 visas were issued to Indian students last year

The proposals include an integrated approach that brings together the government, industry, and academia; promoting the exchange of teachers and students, organizing hackathons on various subjects between the two nations; mutual recognition of vocational skills qualifications; and encouraging visits by individuals associated with education and research.

The First Lady lauded the collaborative efforts of Indian and American students, stating that their shared intellectual journey establishes the basis for a more prosperous, secure, and healthier world. She believes that this collaboration between the future generations of both nations will strengthen the economies of both countries.

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi are expected to announce advancements in collaboration across higher education, space exploration, and defense, with a particular focus on deepening defense ties.

The report added that the market growth is expected to continue significantly through 2029. It added that the growth of the edtech market can be attributed to the increased demand for applications in Kindergarten, K-12, and Higher Education globally.

It added that the program will provide participants with the skills necessary to gain access to the job market and professional opportunities. The courses cover communication, grammar, vocabulary, job interviews, and interprofessional exchanges.

Under the new initiative, Pakistani students who wish to pursue a one-year master’s degree in either Climate Change and Sustainability program or Heritage and Museum Studies in the UK can now apply through a tailored program.

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