African Union unveils ‘Continental Strategy’ to boost health, well-being in education

The Continental Strategy on Education for Health and Well-being of Young People seeks to improve the physical, mental, and reproductive health of young individuals, aligning with educational objectives.

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The African Union (AU), in collaboration with key partners such as UNESCO, the International Professional Practices Framework, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, and the World Health Organization, has introduced the Continental Strategy on Education for Health and Well-being of Young People.

This strategic initiative was presented during the Global Forum for Adolescents held on October 11, organized by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health.

Striving for holistic health

The primary goal of the AU’s Education for Health and Well-being Strategy (AU EHW) is to enhance the physical, mental, and reproductive health of young individuals. The strategy is deeply committed to aligning educational goals with improved health outcomes.

This innovative strategy recognizes the profound interconnection between health and education. It offers a comprehensive framework that addresses not only knowledge acquisition but also the development of essential life skills, values, attitudes, and personal agency.

All of these elements are regarded as pivotal in fostering enhanced health, overall well-being, and effective learning among young individuals.

Addressing challenges

The Continental Strategy has been strategically designed to cater to the pressing educational and health needs of adolescents and young people across the African continent.

This comprehensive approach signifies a holistic commitment to their well-being. It confronts critical health issues that have been inhibiting progress, including substance use, malnutrition, infectious diseases, early pregnancies, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence.

By tackling these challenges, the strategy aims to pave the way for the improved health and educational advancement of adolescents and young individuals throughout Africa.

Policy reinforcement

This innovative strategy prioritizes youth engagement by not only imparting knowledge but also equipping them with the necessary tools to make informed and healthy choices. It reinforces existing priorities and leverages policies and commitments within AU member states.

By emphasizing a cohesive approach to health promotion, the AU EHW Strategy aligns with the organization’s Agenda 2063. This agenda underscores the pursuit of a prosperous and peaceful Africa, with a strong emphasis on education, health, and overall well-being for all its citizens.

Furthermore, the AU EHW strategy complements international commitments such as the ESA Commitment and the WCA Commitment. It reflects a collective focus on the education, support, and promotion of the health of adolescents and young people across the African continent.

In a separate context, South African Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Blade Nzimande emphasized the vital role of an effective education system. The minister underscored the significance of such a system in promoting economic growth during the 10th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education.

Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.

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Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.