Romanian university enters partnership in blockchain technology

The collaboration between MultiversX and ULBS will allow students to take a “Blockchain and FinTech Applications” course in the second semester of their third academic year. This will give them a thorough knowledge of the MultiversX blockchain network, as well as an exploration of decentralized applications within its ecosystem.

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MultiversX, a blockchain technology network, is partnering with the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu in Romania to create an initiative that aims to foster early career development by supporting young and talented individuals. Five other local companies are financially backing this venture, which could be a key factor in increasing blockchain technology adoption.

This fall, the Faculty of Economic Sciences at ULBS will introduce a new undergraduate program, “Business Informatics.” Taught exclusively in English by expert faculty members and industry professionals, the program reflects a modern approach to teaching with an emphasis on innovation.

This special program will offer 30 tuition-free spots for students, 10 of which are subsidized by the state and 20 funded by the 6 companies involved.

The collaboration between MultiversX and ULBS will allow students to take a “Blockchain and FinTech Applications” course in the second semester of their third academic year. This will give them a thorough knowledge of the MultiversX blockchain network, as well as an exploration of decentralized applications within its ecosystem.

A 2022 SlashData report indicates that developers with six to 10 years of experience are most open to pursuing work within the blockchain industry. Though they may not have the necessary skills yet, developers with less than five years of experience are showing an eagerness to learn and make a shift in this field.

Both parties stand to benefit, with MultiversX gaining access to applied research and new talent, and the faculty gaining insights from a technology leader. As Assoc. Prof. Eduard Stoica, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences noted, this partnership is “an opportunity to bridge academia and business.”

He added that such engagement has mutual benefits: faculty gain know-how and students benefit from improved education quality while MultiversX obtains prospects for research and new talent to boost the technology domain.

Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.

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Nathan Yasis

Nathan Yasis

Nathan studied information technology and secondary education in college. He dabbled in and taught creative writing and research to high school students for three years before settling in as a digital journalist.