Experts divided on impacts of AI in the workplace

Questions about its impact on jobs, workforce development, collaboration between humans and AI, workforce diversity, ethical considerations, the gig economy, and workplace automation were raised

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The increasing integration of artificial intelligence in the workplace has advantages and disadvantages, a new report said.

Experts are divided on the impact of AI in the workplace, according to a report by OpenMind BBVA.  It said that while some experts believe that AI can boost productivity and economic growth by creating new opportunities, others fear that it may result in the displacement of human workers. 

“AI refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and natural language processing,” it stated.

With the growing prevalence of AI in the workplace, questions about its impact on jobs, workforce development, collaboration between humans and AI, workforce diversity, ethical considerations, the short-term contract economy, and workplace automation are becoming increasingly important. 

The report also said AI has the potential to create new jobs or displace existing ones as well as to reduce bias and increase diversity in the workplace. It also has the potential to transform the short-term contract economy by making it easier for individuals to find work and for companies to find workers. AI-powered chatbots and other tools can provide fast, personalized service, thereby improving customers’ overall experience with a company.

It also highlighted numerous advantages in the workplace of the future including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, better decision-making, cost savings, and improved customer experience. It has the potential to automate routine tasks and workflows, allowing workers to focus on higher-level tasks and increasing productivity.

Additionally, AI can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately, reducing the possibility of errors. Furthermore, AI can analyze data and provide insights that humans might miss, resulting in better decision-making.

The use of AI in the workplace also poses several challenges including job displacement and ethical concerns, it said.

As AI becomes more prevalent, workers will need to develop new skills in order to remain competitive in the workforce. AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on, which could lead to discrimination in hiring, promotion, and other workplace practices. 

Cybersecurity risks must also be taken into account as more data is collected and processed by AI systems.

“To prepare for the future of work, individuals and organizations must prioritize upskilling and reskilling to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an AI-driven world,” the report added.

It also suggested that policymakers must consider the potential effects of AI on employment and work to develop policies that ensure the benefits of AI are distributed equitably.

To ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits society as a whole, successful integration of AI into the workplace will require collaboration and dialogue between industry, academia, and government, it noted.

AI is the use of computer systems to execute tasks that were previously carried out by humans, as per Forbes report. These tasks include generating content, making decisions, translating languages, handling customer service issues, processing insurance claims, and providing recommendations, among others.


Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.

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Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.