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Indiana University hosts historic conference on women judges in MENA region

Indiana University hosted a conference featuring pioneering women judges from the Middle East and North Africa, offering invaluable insights to law and Arabic language students. The event, moderated by Maurer School Dean Christiana Ochoa, discussed the rise of female representation in regional judiciaries and its societal impacts.

Each year, the program brings together a diverse group of students from various countries, offering them a unique opportunity to study at Thunder Bay’s renowned high schools and immerse themselves in Canadian culture.

Aligned with the National Education Policy 2020, the portal is part of the government’s commitment to making India a preferred global education destination. The SII platform will provide detailed information on Indian higher education institutions or HEIs, academic programs, research support, and more.

The key findings of this research–led by the International Journal of Wellbeing and participated by 123 Chinese international students at an Australian post-secondary institution– named competence (22.50 percent), relationship support (21.25 percent), and mental-oriented (13.75 percent) themes as the main factors in boosting foreign students’ well-being. Other themes that surfaced from the interview-based study.

Advancements in transportation and the increasing connectivity between nations have provided individuals with greater access to educational opportunities beyond their borders. The report emphasizes that this enhanced accessibility, combined with the ease of international trade, has created a conducive environment for the expansion of educational tourism.

The National Union of Students said students were put on the verge of financial ruin as bills, food, and living costs have skyrocketed. Data showed that students are living on less than £50 (Around $62) per month due to rising costs, with 96 percent cutting back as a result of the crisis.

“The university treats the protection of UF data – academic records, research, financial information, and other sensitive, personally identifying information – as an institutional priority.”

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