Canadian MP calls for US-Canada ties to safeguard international education from China interference

Michael Chong cited multiple instances of China’s covert activities in Canada. He called for intelligence sharing and public awareness campaigns between the US and Canada to protect democratic institutions and freedoms.

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Canadian MP Michael Chong is calling for US-Canada bilateral cooperation to safeguard international education from foreign interference, particularly from Beijing. 

“This is a systemic, long-term effort to create fear on university campuses,” Chong told a bipartisan group of US lawmakers. He also expressed concern over China’s coercion of international students studying in Canada to intimidate those supporting Hong Kong protesters.

Previously, Mr. Chong had accused China of initiating a misinformation campaign against him through WeChat, a popular messaging app. Canadian intelligence agencies also said Beijing has been collecting data on Chong and his family, who are based in Hong Kong. This scrutiny escalated after Chong spearheaded a 2021 motion in the Canadian Parliament condemning China’s treatment of its Uyghur minority.

While the focus of Chong’s address was broad, a noteworthy part of his testimony zeroed in on China’s covert activities within Canadian educational institutions. Chinese students purportedly recruited in Canadian universities are coerced to spy and report on fellow students and activists. “This kind of interference directly impacts our international educational partnerships and the safety of foreign students in our countries,” Chong said.

Beijing has rebuked such allegations, categorizing these activities as part of “service centers” for Chinese nationals residing overseas.

However, Chong maintained that these practices pose significant challenges to international education, which often serves as a platform for cultural and intellectual exchange.

Chong asserted the necessity of joint action between the US and Canada. This includes intelligence sharing and public awareness initiatives centered on foreign interference in educational spaces. “A strong educational partnership between our nations serves as a cornerstone for maintaining democratic values and a rules-based international system,” he said.

Both Democratic and Republican members of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China expressed strong support for Chong’s emphasis on protecting international education.

In response, Canada has launched a public inquiry focusing specifically on foreign influence in educational institutions, highlighting the urgency of this often-overlooked aspect of international relations.

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