US President slams SC affirmative control verdict

The President urged colleges and universities to consider the adversities students have overcome when selecting among qualified applicants.

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United States President Joe Biden has announced a series of actions to preserve and expand educational opportunities for all Americans following the recent Supreme Court decision that could undermine diversity efforts in higher education.

The Biden-Harris administration is determined to uphold the progress made in advancing racial equity, civil rights, and equal access to education.

The President urged colleges and universities to consider the adversities students have overcome when selecting among qualified applicants. These adversities include financial means, upbringing, high school experiences, and personal encounters with hardship or discrimination, including racial discrimination.

The Department of Education and the Department of Justice will provide resources to address lawful admissions practices within the next 45 days. 

The Department of Education will assist colleges and universities in implementing programs to support students from underserved communities.

In addition, it will also host a national summit next month on equal opportunity in postsecondary education. The summit will bring together advocates, student leaders, administrators, researchers, and state, local, and tribal leaders to share strategies and develop additional resources to expand access to educational opportunities.

By September, the Department of Education will release a report highlighting promising admissions practices to build inclusive and diverse student bodies. 

The report will address concerns related to admissions practices affecting students from underserved communities and provide strategies for integrating measures of adversity in admissions, outreach and recruitment programs, retention and degree completion, as well as financial and other support programs.

Moreover, the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics will explore ways to collect and publish more information on college applications and enrollment trends. This will help identify potential barriers and improve college recruitment, admissions, and enrollment.

The administration will also support states and tribal nations in improving access to educational opportunities. 

The Department of Education will assist in utilizing data to enhance college recruitment, admissions, and financial aid practices. Strategies may include partnerships for sharing and using education data appropriately and implementing direct admissions programs based on factors such as academic performance and geographic location.

These actions build upon the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to ensure equal access to higher education. 

The administration has championed historic increases in Pell Grants, prioritized college completion, and invested in minority-serving institutions. 

It has also taken steps to address challenges in the student loan system by cutting monthly payments, fixing the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, and implementing targeted loan forgiveness programs.

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.

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Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.