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United Nations

UN leads global AI governance talks, balancing innovation with equity

These discussions reflect the complexities of AI governance, with a focus on balancing progress with protection. The UN’s role in facilitating this dialogue is crucial to ensure equitable AI development and to manage its risks, aiming to benefit humanity globally.

UNESCO has warned that proper governance and regulation of technology in education is lacking, and has called on countries to create rules for the design and use of technology in schools so its application does not supersede in-person teacher instruction.

UNESCO has found evidence suggesting a correlation between excessive mobile phone use and reduced educational performance in children. It further noted that high levels of screen time may also be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing.

As the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals approaches, a UN conference underscored the global shortfall in education targets. Speakers highlighted the need for increased funding, the commitment to education as a human right, and the importance of innovative digital learning initiatives. The event ended with a clarion call for countries to prioritize education spending as an investment in humanity.

AI tutors could provide students with two or three times more benefits than traditional classroom learning, according to studies cited by Russell. He said there may be “reasonable fears” of job loss among teachers and their unions, but he is focused on the potential added value from AI tutors rather than robots replacing them.

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