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Egypt joins UNESCO convention for recognition of higher education degrees

Egypt’s convention membership enables students with certificates from Egyptian universities to gain recognition for their degrees within the Arab states that are signatories to the convention, as per the cabinet’s statement.

Against the backdrop of economic challenges and ongoing political uncertainties in Sri Lanka, there has been a notable increase in the number of Sri Lankan students expressing interest in pursuing higher education abroad. The Study Australia Showcase, led by Austrade, drew students keen on choosing Australia as their destination for higher education.

This initiative, focusing on digital skills like AI, coding, and robotics, aims to amplify girls’ exposure to STEM careers and bridge the gender disparity in the tech-driven world. Concurrently, teachers received training on gender-responsive STEM education, ensuring a comprehensive approach to fostering girls’ involvement in STEM and ICT fields.

UNESCO has launched groundbreaking global guidance for the ethical use of generative AI in schools, emphasizing human-centric approaches and recommending government regulations, setting an age limit of 13 for AI tool use in classrooms, and prioritizing teacher training.

The comic book titled “Let’s Move Forward” is aimed at promoting health and wellness among school-going children. The book, available in multiple languages, covers a range of topics, from emotional well-being to internet safety. The initiative supports the broader goal of providing holistic education and promoting adolescent well-being.

Despite the fact that 70% of youth worldwide say they lack proper climate change education, the gathering opens up the possibility of creating 8.4 million jobs with the help of green technology.

Aiming to make the country’s technical and vocational education and training system more appealing to the youth and aligning it with current labor market needs, the Jordan government held a National Validation Workshop, highlighting the need for a coordinated effort to address youth unemployment and enhance lifelong learning opportunities.

Kepler, a non-profit organization, is transforming lives in Rwanda’s oldest refugee camp, Kiziba, by offering higher education opportunities in partnership with the UNHCR and Southern New Hampshire University. The initiative bridges the gaps in literacy, language, and digital skills among refugees.

UNESCO has warned that proper governance and regulation of technology in education is lacking, and has called on countries to create rules for the design and use of technology in schools so its application does not supersede in-person teacher instruction.

ASEAN education ministers have endorsed the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Early Childhood Care and Education in Southeast Asia in an effort to advance and reinforce the region’s commitment to providing quality early childhood care and education for all.

UNESCO has found evidence suggesting a correlation between excessive mobile phone use and reduced educational performance in children. It further noted that high levels of screen time may also be detrimental to their emotional wellbeing.

The initiative comes in response to the findings of UNESCO’s survey conducted in six African countries, which revealed that while teachers recognize the importance of educating about atrocity crimes, they often feel ill-prepared to tackle this sensitive topic in the classroom.

The RAM aims to facilitate the identification of the institutional and regulatory changes required to capitalize on these technologies, while also safeguarding against potential drawbacks. These alterations may necessitate significant capacity-building efforts, which UNESCO is dedicated to supporting through its “AI Experts without Borders” network

Technology can enhance learning in certain contexts, but not without the guidance of qualified teachers. The report warns against unrestricted use of technology, highlighting that smartphones, for example, have proven to be more of a distraction in schools. It also underscores the inequities of exclusively remote instruction, which disproportionately affects disadvantaged students.

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