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student loans

Only 60 percent of those with payments due in October had managed to fulfill their obligations by mid-November.

Financial concerns among 92% of Gen Z students: survey

Gen Z students are actively seeking various sources to fund their college journey, with a strong focus on non-repayable options such as federal and state grants, scholarships, and income from employment.

Upon course completion, Indian graduates can remain in the US for up to three years in alignment with current visa policies, offering them ample time to gain practical industry experience and repay student loans.

An analysis by the Russell Group suggests home undergraduates could experience a £2,500 shortfall per year this academic year — potentially rising to £5,000 by 2029-30 — mirroring the fiscal crisis of the mid-1990s that fueled tuition fee introduction.

An independent investigation has shed light on the lack of transparency and competition in the loan allocation process of the State Educational Loan Fund.

The freeze on federal student loan payments was initially implemented by former President Donald Trump in March 2020 as part of the pandemic relief efforts. Subsequently, the payment pause was extended eight times by both the previous and current administrations.

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