Study visa no guarantee for permanent residency, Canadian senators warn

The senators said many international students are influenced by misleading advice from education consultants, leaving them unprepared for the competitive landscape of Canada’s permanent residency system.

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Study visa no guarantee for permanent residency, Canadian senators warn
Photo via Pexels

Canadian Senators Ratna Omidvar, Hassan Yussuff and Yuen Pau Woo have warned that obtaining a study visa in Canada does not guarantee permanent residency.

In an Indian Express report, the stark reality faced by international students who often arrive in Canada with the misconception that their educational journey guarantees them permanent residency was highlighted.

It said that many are influenced by misleading advice from education consultants, leaving them unprepared for the competitive landscape of Canada’s permanent residency system.

While studying in Canada can enhance their prospects, it does not guarantee a straightforward path to permanent residency.

The report revealed that since 2000, only 30 percent of international students who came to Canada have successfully obtained permanent residency within a decade of their arrival.

The report not only called for federal intervention to address the misinformation perpetuated by education consultants but also pointed out the unintentional role played by the Canadian government in fostering unrealistic hopes among international students.

It suggested that while the government promotes the immigration advantages of studying in Canada, it should also be more forthright about the highly competitive nature of the permanent residence application process.

Canada’s population surge
Canada’s population has experienced an unprecedented surge, growing at a rate not seen in nearly seven decades. In the past year alone, 1.2 million migrants, including a significant number of international students, have arrived in the country.

On July 1, the nation’s population reached approximately 40.1 million, marking a remarkable three percent increase.

The surge positions Canada as the fastest-growing country in the Western world in terms of population, a notable contrast to other developed nations facing population declines.

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.

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Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.