Pope Francis calls for continued investment in African youth education

Pope Francis appealed for unified efforts and support in improving education, including collaboration with local governments, to enhance teacher training and raise educational standards.

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Pope Francis expressed his confidence in Africa and praised the African Compact on Education during his address to the delegation of organizers of the African Compact on Education from the International Religions and Societies Foundation. 

The Pope acknowledged Africa’s enthusiasm for the Christian proclamation, as the continent has witnessed a significant increase in the number of Christians and Catholics, as per Vatican News report. The African Education Compact aims to strengthen community relationships and highlight the relationship with God.

“We look to Africa with great confidence,” he said.

He also noted the shared responsibility of the community in educating children, citing the well-known African proverb, “To educate a child, it takes a whole village.”

Pope Francis appealed for unified efforts and support in improving education, including collaboration with local governments, to enhance teacher training and raise educational standards. He also emphasized the need for continued investment in the education of young people in Africa. 

The Pope recalled that the Compact resulted from the International Symposium held in Kinshasa in November 2022, under the patronage of the Congo Bishops’ Conference and organized by the International Religions and Society Foundation and the Catholic University of Congo. The symposium brought together bishops, priests, scientists, and scholars from various African countries and beyond. 

He stressed the importance of collaboration with local governments to enhance the quality of education, particularly through proper training and support of teachers.

Pope Francis commended the motto, “I am because we are,” and highlighted Africa’s abundant educational resources, including traditional values of hospitality, welcome, and solidarity.

The Pope expressed his confidence in Africa’s capacity to shape its own future, emphasizing the continent’s potential for progress not only in terms of resources and economic advancements but also in its educational foundations.

The African Compact on Education draws inspiration from the Pope’s Global Compact on Education, introduced in September 2019. Its goal is to cultivate a sense of community and spirituality within educational endeavors.

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.

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Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.