Jordanian Ministry of Education partners with UNESCO to unveil crisis and risk management strategy

In collaboration with UNESCO and its International Institute for Educational Planning, Jordan’s Ministry of Education has launched a comprehensive Crisis and Risk Management Strategy for 2023-2027. The framework aims to bolster the resilience and effectiveness of the educational system in crisis situations.

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Jordanian Minister of Education H.E. Prof. Azmi Mahafzah recently unveiled the Crisis and Risk Management Strategy for 2023-2027. This initiative was developed in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and its International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP).

The comprehensive strategy aims to create a secure, robust educational environment capable of withstanding various risks and crises. The framework is particularly focused on cultivating a decentralized approach to crisis management, empowering local education actors, including schools and students, to adopt effective risk mitigation measures.

A Kingdom-wide consultative process underpinned the strategy’s development, with technical guidance provided by UNESCO and IIEP. The newly launched framework aligns closely with Jordan’s Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy for 2023-2030, prepared by the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM). It is also designed to complement the Ministry’s Education Strategic Plan for 2018-2025, which identifies crisis and risk management as essential for enhancing the overall education system.

A commitment to equitable education

Ms. Min Jeong Kim, UNESCO’s representative to Jordan, commended the strategic initiative, stating, “Jordan is reinforcing its commitment to an equitable and inclusive educational system, effectively integrating crisis-sensitive planning to benefit all students.”

H.E. Mr. Saleh al-Sheyyab, director of strategic planning from NCSCM, emphasized that the strategy aligns well with global risk management frameworks like the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Acknowledging the collaboration, Mahafzah thanked UNESCO and IIEP for their instrumental support. He stressed the importance of partnerships in successfully navigating crisis situations, adding that the strategy is part of Jordan’s larger goals as laid out in their Economic Modernization Vision and Education Strategic Plan.

In a parallel development, a Risk Management Unit has been established for the first time within the Ministry of Education, with the support of UNESCO and IIEP. This unit will play a central role in implementing the strategy and is currently developing a detailed operational plan.

The initiative is funded by a Multi-partner Trust Fund, which includes contributions from Canada, Italy, Norway, and Switzerland. It forms part of UNESCO’s ongoing System Strengthening Partnership with Jordan’s Ministry of Education, aimed at enhancing the sector’s capability to deliver quality education in times of crisis.

The launch event was attended by representatives from the NCSCM, the National Center for Cybersecurity, as well as key education sector partners and stakeholders.

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