Japanese workshop teaches value of cultural diversity in schools

Yamaguchi Prefectural University hosted a workshop focusing on strengthening education support for children of foreign descent in Japan. With over 114,853 such children enrolled in Japanese public schools as of 2021, the event emphasized understanding their unique educational backgrounds, involving parents in the learning process, and considering cultural sensitivities like dietary restrictions.

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A Japanese university is spearheading a new workshop to extend support to an increasing number of children who come from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Yamaguchi Prefectural University hosted the gathering to establish a support system that caters to the needs of foreign children in Japan. The workshop was led by a special committee devoted to helping children who arrive in the country. 

In the 2021 academic year, Japan’s public schools enrolled 114,853 children of foreign nationality. 

Shinichiro Tsujimoto, an educator from Hirakawa Elementary, shed light on his school’s unique “international classroom”. This initiative centers on understanding the educational and experiential backgrounds of foreign students prior to their arrival in Japan, which then informs and improves the educators’ teaching methodologies.

“We continually engage with the children after they go back to their home countries through online exchanges and actively involve their parents and guardians in the learning process,” Tsujimoto said.

Kayo Hashimoto, who has an extensive history of conducting Japanese language sessions for children, highlighted the significance of blending fun with learning Japanese. She also highlighted the benefits of using smartphone translation apps to bridge communication with children from diverse backgrounds.

One session also discussed the dietary preferences of Muslim children. Some conventional Japanese sweets, for example, are deemed unsuitable for Muslim children’s consumption due to religious constraints.

Hashimoto concluded the event with a poignant message on the importance of persistent engagement with children of foreign descent. “It’s crucial to sustain long-term relationships, constantly support them, and most importantly, never give up on them,” she said.

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