Inside the UK’s ‘Jobs of the Future’ report

Nearly 9 in 10 future roles require a degree qualification in the next 15 years – a revelation that has profound implications for the UK’s education system, economy, and future workforce.

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The United Kingdom is bracing itself for an unprecedented demand for some 11 million new graduates by 2035.

The “Jobs of the Future” report by Universities UK presents a comprehensive analysis of the shifting landscape of the UK job market, projecting how 88 percent of forthcoming job roles require a degree qualification in the next 15 years. This revelation has profound implications for the education system, economy, and future workforce.

The report categorizes the growing demand for graduates into several key sectors: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, healthcare, education, and business services. These sectors are in urgent need of skilled personnel, requiring millions of new workforce entrants by 2035.

Growing demand for professionals
Of these sectors, STEM stands out as one of the most dynamic, with a requirement of more than 1.9 million professionals. The report places a premium on areas such as computing and engineering, reflecting the increasing importance of technology and innovation in today’s world.

Health care is another sector with a significant demand for graduates, projecting a need for over 1.2 million health and social care professionals. This demand is fueled by factors such as an aging population and advances in medical technology.

The report also sheds light on the pressing demand for over 1 million doctors and nurses by 2035. At present, the healthcare sector is grappling with a shortage of skilled personnel, and so addressing this need is imperative for the well-being of the nation.

In the creative industry, meanwhile, the UK is expected to require the expertise of more than 1.2 million business service professionals, including specialized roles in marketing and advertising. This reflects the significance of the creative economy in the country’s overall economic landscape.

‘Having a degree is the best way to succeed’
Anticipating the rise of artificial intelligence, the report predicts a 10 percent net increase in jobs mandating a degree qualification over the next two decades. The digital sphere, in particular, is expected to host over 4 million positions by 2027, underscoring the need for graduates with expertise in technology-related fields.

Vivienne Stern, chief executive of Universities UK, sees the pivotal role that university graduates play in bolstering the economy’s growth. She points out the prevailing issue of workers being underqualified for their roles and highlights the efforts of universities to equip employers with the necessary resources to meet the escalating demand for graduates.

“While the recent proliferation of AI tools has raised fresh concerns about automation, the trends we are seeing suggest that, amid a turbulent jobs market, having a degree will be the best way to succeeding,” Stern said.

Affordable, accessible and inclusive education
The UUK official also stressed the importance of affordable and accessible higher education without compromising on quality. Hence, there needs to be a balance between upholding the standards of UK institutions and fostering inclusion.

The report reinforces the enduring value of a UK degree, with 73 percent of graduates successfully landing in their desired careers. This data point proves the indispensability of higher education qualifications in a rapidly evolving job market.

In conclusion, the “Jobs of the Future” report paints a vivid picture of the UK’s workforce requirements in the coming years. The demand for graduates, especially in STEM, healthcare, and the digital sphere, is set to surge.

Universities and policymakers must work in tandem to ensure that higher education remains accessible, affordable, and of high quality to meet this unprecedented demand. The future of the UK’s economy and workforce hinges on this ability to adapt to an evolving landscape.

Thus, equipping graduates with new skills and knowledge is essential to thriving in the new world of work.

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