Canada, South Korea ink new youth mobility arrangement deal

Two new streams, namely International Co-op (Internship) and Young Professionals, will be introduced to complement the existing Working Holiday category.

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The governments of Canada and South Korea have recently signed a new Youth Mobility Arrangement, reaffirming their commitment to strengthening bilateral relations. 

Ali Ehsassi, a member of Parliament for Willowdale, on behalf of Minister Sean Fraser, announced the arrangement which focuses on expanding international work and travel opportunities for youth from both countries.

Under the new agreement, significant improvements have been made compared to the existing memorandum of understanding signed in 1995. 

The eligibility age has been extended from 18 to 30, raised to the current 18 to 35, allowing a broader range of young individuals to participate, the government stated.

Additionally, two new streams, namely International Co-op (Internship) and Young Professionals, will be introduced to complement the existing Working Holiday category. 

Moreover, most youth will now have the opportunity to participate twice in the program, with each period lasting up to 24 months.

“Thanks to this new youth mobility arrangement, Canadian and South Korean youth will have more opportunities to live, travel, and work abroad for longer than ever before, and Canadian employers will have a bigger talent pool to find the workers they need,” Fraser said. 

Ehsassi also expressed his enthusiasm for the landmark Canada-South Korea Youth Mobility Arrangement. He highlighted the positive impact it will have on the vibrancy of Willowdale, emphasizing how it will enhance cultural exchanges, promote diversity, and foster a global mindset among talented youth. 

“It will open doors to exciting international opportunities, continue to enrich the fabric of our community, and further elevate Willowdale as a hub for global talent and innovation,” he said.

The establishment of the new Korea-Canada Youth Mobility Program was also welcomed by Park Jin, minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Korea. He cited the close partnership between Canada and Korea and the shared values and interests that unite the two countries.

The implementation of the new arrangement is expected in 2024, opening up exciting prospects for future work and travel experiences for Canadian and South Korean youth. 

With the new Canada-South Korea Youth Mobility Arrangement, both countries are set to expand their cultural and professional exchanges, strengthening their bilateral ties and fostering greater understanding and collaboration among their youth. The program will provide Canadian and South Korean youth with increased opportunities to work and travel abroad, contributing to their personal growth and the advancement of their respective nations.

International Experience Canada is a reciprocal program that offers Canadian and international youth the opportunity to work and travel in each other’s countries. 

The program consists of three categories, namely the Working Holiday, International Co-op, and Young Professionals, each providing unique work permit options tailored to the participant’s goals and fields of interest.

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.

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Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos

Jaleen Ramos has been a professional journalist for five years now. She has contributed and covered stories for premier Philippine dailies and publications, and has traveled to different parts of the country to capture and tell the most significant stories happening.