Baylor University secures first Fulbright-Hays Grant to elevate East Asian studies

The Fulbright-Hays Program supports US educators, students, and institutions in overseas research and training that is focused on non-Western foreign languages and area studies.

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Baylor University has been awarded its first-ever Fulbright-Hays grant, a significant funding boost designed to enhance the university’s East Asian language and Asian Studies programs.

The grant, amounting to $270,000 will support a variety of initiatives, including hiring a full-time lecturer in Korean and creating interdisciplinary courses in Asian Studies.

Faculty development, study abroad opportunities

Funded by a Congressional appropriation to the US Department of Education, the Fulbright-Hays Program supports US educators, students, and institutions in overseas research and training focused on non-Western foreign languages and area studies. Baylor’s grant will fund faculty development and student scholarships for study abroad opportunities in East Asia, among other endeavors.

“The humanities don’t often get a lot of external grants, especially in substantial amounts. Therefore, it holds great importance to receive a Fulbright-Hays grant to support our students to acquire foreign language skills and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and societies,” said Xin Wang, Ed.D., associate professor of China Studies and division director of African and Asian Languages at Baylor.

Innovation and urbanization

The grant aligns closely with Baylor’s institutional goals, supporting initiatives such as interdisciplinary studies and programs. The funding will enable the development of innovative, team-taught courses focusing on subjects such as East Asian cinema, literature, and urbanization.

According to Wang, the grant aims to broaden students’ horizons and deepen their understanding of East Asian cultures and societies. “We will leverage this funding to build an innovative approach to interdisciplinary education for our students,” he said.

The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Baylor offers a diverse language portfolio, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The grant will also benefit students directly through scholarships for study abroad in countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. These overseas experiences are intended to prepare students for careers in sectors ranging from government service and business to non-governmental organizations.

According to Wang, understanding East Asia is essential, especially in the context of its influence on the US economy and technology – emphasizing the broader implications of the grant-supported programs.

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